Ramallah and El-Funoun Dance Company

El-Funoun Dance Company exists already many years and today they are the most important dance company in Palestine. They count about 30 members and performed all over the world like Russia, China, New York, France, Italy etc. Switzerland is missing!!!
They dance above all the Palestinian national dance called Dabka. Dabka is a dance which is danced by the most countries in the Middle East. Like Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.
But the dances are from land to land different. I like personally the Palestinian version of dance which is very powerful and grounded. This dance is mostly danced in a line and at one end of the line is the leader who shows the group the steps that are to repeat. The leader himself is as well solo dancer and shines with fantastic jumps and very fast rhythmic footsteps.

El-Funoun is known for their openness for other dance styles and their shows are very influenced by modern and hip hop dance.

I train the main company and they have very strong dancers. They are aged between 19 – 40 years old. And again there are more men than women dancers and stronger male dancers than the women.
I enjoy a lot working with them because I can really go fast forward because of the good level of the dancers. The troupe is much disciplined and again this incredible joy of dance and energy.
I have – like them – all over my body muscle pain because their energy takes me completely and I dance with them a lot.

The troupe is very interested to learn more dance technique and so we do very military all the basic moves of occidental dance techniques.
As like the dancers of Al-Harah theatre they feel very comfortable in my fusion dance style and all the folklore moves they already have in their bodies.
I’m very satisfied to work with this people here. Art is a very important tool of expression.
They live in such a difficult situation that any kind of art is useful and healthy for their mental balance.
During the time I’m here I try to transmit them as much as I can.
For the group of Al-Harah theatre we filmed the night before I left the exercises with some special instructions that they can practise the dance techniques by themselves.
And again I feel much appreciated and from my part I learn a lot. This experience here is really a big step in my professional career and I am growing very much.
Thank again to all the troupes giving me that chance and their faith!

Today I’m invited to eat in Khaleds house to eat. He is one of the founders of the troupe and a very true man. I liked him from the first moment.

The first time is was in Ramallah, the city was signed by the war. Today because of the temporary calmer situation I find the City in a much better state. New houses are built, new streets and many shops are open. There is as well an interesting cultural live. But you have to know people from here to know the interesting places to go. Yesterday we went in a Christian restaurant where most of the local artists and intellectuals meet. I’m discovering completely new faces of the Arab world.
The language is hard! Very difficult to learn and understand. It seems that they have for everything 10 different words. Then I repeat the word and although I feel to spell in the same way, it’s always wrong! But I don’t give up and I’m still very motivated to learn this language!

Although I teach only in the evenings I was all the time occupied. I met an old friend of mine who lives in Ramallah as an actor and I had the chance to see the opening of his newest production. It is a play for children with the very famous story “the wizard of Oz’”
So I went yesterday evening before giving workshop to the Akasaba theatre in Ramallah and enjoyed the play. Fadi Al-Ghoul is a brilliant actor and in the role of the Scarecrow he made me laugh all the time.
I never so in my live time so many people coming in a theatre. When the play already started the people continued to come in and sat down on the stairs and where ever there was a place more to sit… the children participated lively during the whole piece and it was all the time very noisy! J

Another friend I met yesterday works for an Italian NGO called “Vento di terra”.
We had lunch together and I had my first introducing for Gaza.
His organisation has some projects in Gaza and coincidentally we will be at the same time in Gaza!
So we already planned to go out and to eat fish! He told me that the fish is very tasty in that region!!! J

For now I know that I have to cross by foot an 1,5 kilometres long fence tunnel. There will be all around cameras and from time to time I will hear shootings. But they are far away. In Gaza every day are happen some collisions between the Israeli military and Palestinians.
I got finally for sure my permissions to enter Gaza. It was very hard to get them. For Palestinians who live in the West Bank it is nearly impossible to get one. For foreigners it’s easier but you need to be part of an organisation that helps you to get one.
I needed the permission of Israel and the permission of Hamas. I have both now.

Today I washed my hair. In Gaza the water is salty and I can’t wash there neither clothes nor hair.
So for the people who pick me up in the Zurich Airport I cannot guaranty anything about my outward appearance! J
I have to be careful as well with eating and the water is not drinkable.
I will stay in a house together with other internationals I guess.
If there would be a bombing attack from the Israeli army we have to stay in the house.
There is an NGO who advises the internationals by sms when there started any combat aircrafts in direction Gaza.
The Israeli army is informed in which houses the internationals are staying and we are safe there.
I hope it won’t happen!

When I tell Palestinian people here that I will enter Gaza they all say that I’m lucky to go there…
Many Palestinians living in the West Bank they have family in Gaza. Most of them they didn’t see their families for over 10 years. There are husbands and wives who see their children only by Skype and they don’t know if they will ever see again their family members.
All depends on what kind of passport or identity card you got. There is one member of the El-Funoun troupe without any identity – he is stateless and can’t go anywhere.

I don’t know what to feel. But I’m looking for to work with people from there. I will teach a female class and a male class. It wasn’t possible to have mixed classes.
Gaza is very Muslim conservatory and there are not many liberties.
No liberty – nor from inside nor from outside – they are prisoners.

Today is Sunday in Palestine and the last day with El-Funoun dance company. Tomorrow I leave in the afternoon for Jerusalem to Jackie who will give me the last instructions to enter Gaza.
Tomorrow is Sunday in Israel and the borders will be closed.
I will enter Gaza Sundays, the day of our Sunday!

Über mirjamdanse

Dancer, dance teacher and choreographer for contemporary dance, classical oriental dance, oriental folclore and fusion contemporary oriental dance. Based in Zürich, Switzerland.
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5 Antworten zu Ramallah and El-Funoun Dance Company

  1. eugenia schreibt:

    allora buone domeniche brufi! Ti accompagnamo da qui, è molto bello e potente sentire le connessioni che corrono fra le persone, anche se si è lontani il sostegno e la fiducia volano rapidi… il mondo è un circolo…. e tu fai circolare la tua bellezza nel mondo.. salutami i palestinesi, ti abbraccio ancora, forte

  2. fabio schreibt:

    Das muss spanend sein!!!! lesend werd ich umso neugieriger und umso neugierig bin ich ohnehin schon. Eine besondere Zeit in Gaza wünsch ich dir…… lieber Gruss Fabio

  3. verena nemeth schreibt:

    liebe mirjam, danke für deine letzten impressions, wiederum sehr berührend,voller energie, informationen,teilhaben an deinen erkenntnissen. Yes, art keeps the world togehter and you are a part of this world art….keep warm and keep the spirit…..

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